
zero zero zero one

We are a fucking generation of idiots.
We are manufactured, reproduced, stylized and masked. We are lazy as hell.
What will the text books say about us in 30-40 years? What fucking big movement were we apart of? Facebook? YouTube? Reality shows? Our mirage of uniqueness is defined by a series of zeros and ones. We see our world through a soulless LCD screen. Better upgrade to high-def, because you don't want to get left behind.
This fucking era. I was born in a time where people vomit their mind shit everywhere; I was born in a time of lazy, greedy fuckheads. No one will discover anything new, no new ideas or beliefs will come out of our generation. This is an era of copy-robots. Nothing is new, nothing is sacred. Everything is fucking soulless now. There is nothing physical about our art. Our music is a fucking computer code, our photos are fucking computer code, our hopes and dreams and free will, we express it through zeros and fucking ones. What will happen when the last roll of film is used up? We will burn our cameras and the smell of plastic and metal will melt our brains. Not that we were using them anyways. Then, I will create my art through a fucking soulless computer eye. And I will attach this eye to another, larger eye, and my art will be there...in zeros and ones. Instantly. There is no time to develop and create, no, I need my money now. I cannot wait for it. Advertise, print, buy, sell, now now now. Instant gratification is all we care about.
What happens when the world is burnt up? When we've fucking blown ourselves to oblivion? Our fucking individuality will be gone with it. We are not permanent anymore. We are all a fucking code of zeros and ones and we will get lost in these fucking data bases and when we pissfuck our world to extinction, our bases of data will be gone with it. There will be nothing left of our generation of idiot robots. Good fucking riddance.
So I will put my sunglasses on so you can't see me while I judge you. And then I will try my very hardest to get into that college and give them all my fucking money, all for a fucking title. Because I need to pay gobs of cash to legitimately call myself an artist. And when I am one, I will paint pictures of shit and take photos of shit and all you idiot-robots will see my shit and say 'Oh they graduated from so-and-so, they're very prestigious!' and you will spend thousands of dollars on my shit and I will sit back and judge you behind my dark glasses and I will piss myself laughing. Instant gratification is all we care about.
There is no self-discovery anymore. There is no love, and freedom and expression; we are all connected through a series of zeros and ones. So we will see this injustice in our world, and we will hear the loud fat mouths of the rich and elite and will listen to them and heed their words because THEY are important. But we will not do anything to change anything. There will be no marching or protesting, instead of making our signs and marching for the world to see, we will just put some status update on some website, this will be good enough, because we are a fucking generation of lazy, copying, idiot robots, and our love and self-expression and uniqueness only exist in a code of zeros and ones.

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