
Burning bodies hangin from poles!

Yes, it is halloween. It's a bitter sweet occasion, though. I don't have that same burning excitement down in my belly...the little dark, goth blob that rests inside of there all year and finally gets to come out to play has been somewhat diminished. It makes me almost miss being 13...when I found joy and comfort in everything black and orange and red, and played the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack all day....I miss that feeling. I still love halloween...but instead of wanting to dance outside in the array of jack-o-lanterns and stars and go into haunted houses, I've got my mind focused on getting extremely drunk at a party with a bunch of other lost, ironically trendy 20-somethings. I guess thats just growing up for you...

Fighting with my mom again, what else is new. Turmoil, anger, stress...can't escape it. I was born into it. Its all I've even known. Too poor to leave, too pissed to stay.

I like to create awkward situations for myself. I didn't realize just HOW fucking tiny Burbank is until last night at my friends birthday party. Luckily I think I redeemed myself....but..I really have to stop being such a bitch.

I don't know...nothing too deep to say right now....I'm just kind of coasting. Floating on the river of crap where ever it may lead me.

Anyways, some halloween-y stuff to moisten your palettes.

oh, that makes my heart happy.

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