
"When I'm lyin' in bed at night, I don't wanna grow up"

I feel like a scared little kid right now.
The realization that the real world is so filled with bullshit and greed and ugliness is crashing down on me and I just want to run away from it all.

I have to put on this fake act for this stupid woman I haven't known for longer than a month just so she can sign my paychecks just so I can go on living. Who decided that money was so important? Its all we revolve around, not art or love or joy, nope, we fucking kill and betray and rape and maim just for a fucking slip of green colored paper.

I want to get into a sail boat and go far away from this vicious, vicious circle.


  1. Nothin' ever seems to turn out right, I don't wanna grow up. How do you move in a world of fog, that's always changing things. Makes me wish that I could be a dog, when I see the price that you pay.

    I don't wanna grow up. I don't ever wanna be that way. i don't wanna grow up. Seems like folks turn into things, that they'd never want.
    The only thing to live for is today

  2. open up the medicine chest, and i don't wanna grow up
