
was a fish

i wish i could drink you in forever.i wish i was less hairy and stinky.i wish spiders wouldn't land on my face.i wish girls that are prettier than me didn't make me feel like i was hideous.i wish i knew more about music.i wish i knew more about books.i wish i less loud.i wish i had a million dollars.i wish i knew what i want to do when i grow up.i wish my mom was easier to get along with.i wish that in society, it would be normal for 'morning' to actually begin at 11am..and not when the sun comes up.i wish that sleeping all day didn't make me feel like crap.i wish you would leave your comments in your pocket.i wish that relationships could stay like the first month forever.i wish it wasn't so cold at night, so leaving my boyfriends warm, un-empty bed to walk to my car and leave would be slightly less unbearable.i wish my boobs were just a tiny bit bigger.i wish i was more athletic.i wish i could still look good without make up on.i wish i was paler.i wish i could get another tattoo.i wish i could've met kurt vonnegut before he passed.i wish that everything didn't make me feel like crying.i wish that i could relive my childhood knowing what i know now (mom, no nintendo?! wtf!).i wish the beatles could last forever.i wish you would tell me why you love me.i wish i could fly.i wish i could breathe underwater.i wish i was stupid, and therefore, happier.i wish the knuckle bones on my fingers weren't so wide.i wish i could grow out my nails.i wish i had pink hair.i wish my hair would grow faster.i wish showering wasn't so nessecary.i wish i could stop so i could go to sleep.i wish i didn't have math tomorrow for the first time in 3 years.i wish my life was better without having to wish for so many things.i wish i read more.i wish i could be alive in the 60s and 70s.i wish people thought tim and eric was funnier.i wish i could play guitar.i wish i could just watch you play guitar forever.i wish i didn't get so tonuge tied about telling you how awesome i think you are.i wish jessica lived in la, she is the only one who has seen the ugliest of me to the prettiest of me, and lived to tell about it.i wish i wasn't still worried about there being spiders in my bed.i wish i could do something amazing.i wish plans worked out more.i wish i could go hiking more.i wish swimming in the ocean didn't make my eyes and my nostrils burn after a while.i wish i could write better.i wish that i had to stop because i ran out of things to wish about and not because i really need to be asleep right now.


  1. i enjoy knowing you, and stalking your blog, sorry i comment on everything, but your unintentional style of writing is incrediably relate-able-to and very real. you assure me that we're all the same, in our own different crazy ways

  2. im glad you read my blog dan..and I'm glad that you have a connection with it..that's all I really want out of life....deep, meaningful connections, with people, with places, with emotions...I think that's all everyone really wants out of life...to not feel so alone.
