

This is fucking me
This is me loud and smelly and basking in it.
The glory.
There is no mask on this face.
I got too lazy to put it on everyday
So here I am
This is me

My legs are all hair
So is my fuck-hole
I do not fucking care, anymore.
I haven't washed my hair.
My pits have sprouted beards.
And I do not fucking care.
No one wants to fuck me anyways.

I go to bed at night with paint on my hands
coffee under my fingernails
grime on my feet
I am naked in here
In this bed, it is expansive and empty.
It is a cushioned room in a mental hospital
It is an extension of my brain
The brain which cannot stop talking to itself
The brain who reassures itself everyday
That it does not fucking care.
I am alone in this bed.
No one will hide in here with me
Rest their head on my chest and breathe
Me in

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